Pam Powell - Awards & Highlights


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KPCW's farewell appreciation of Pam

The Local View March 30, 2012
Time: 3:49
Larry Warren, Cindy Bywater and Randy Barton discuss Pam Wylie's contributions to the Public Affairs Hour 9 am shows, including her ability to line up “stunningly great guests”. Audio File


UBA logo

Utah Broadcasters Association - UBEE Awards

UBEE Silver Award 2012 for Best Program or Show: Community Voices interviews of Judy Collins, Sebastian Junger, and Jack Abramoff. 

UBEE Bronze Award 2012 for Best Program or Show: Mountain Money interviews about Pac-12, Life Insurance, and Google.

UBEE Gold Award 2011 for producing December 23 2010 Community Voices interview of former Senator Alan Simpson on KPCW radio, Park City, UT.


blooming earth

The Blooming Earth

Sold option on screenplay, "The Blooming Earth "

Bronze award for Blooming Kenya

Becoming Kenya

"Becoming Kenya" - Bronze Award, Historical / Biographical genre of the Beverly Hills Screenplay Contest 2013


cover for play

Dr. Franklin and Madam President

"Dr. Franklin and Madam President," South Orange County Community Theatre, El Camino Playhouse, San Juan Capistrano, CA. A full-length play, with Ben Franklin stepping into the Twenty-First Century to save the United States from World War 3.

cover for a play

Heather on the Battlefield

"Heather on the Battlefield," Women of Color: Through Her Eyes Festival, at Henry Street Settlement Abrons Art Center, New York City. A one-act, one woman play about anger and forgiveness.

Park City Follies logo

Writer, Park City Follies, 2005 - 2008

"I can write for that!" I thought when I saw the Park City Follies in 2003.  The Follies are Park City's annual send-up of everything in Summit County.

Technical Writing

Y2K icon


Harambee! Year 2000 Action Pack was the first extensive, non-crazy listing of Y2K resources, accompanied with common-sense advice on how people could best use the resources. A link to it was on the US Department of Agriculture’s Y2K web site - probably because it advised concerned citizens to go ahead and give government agencies a copy of the Action Pack but then stay out of the government agencies’ way so they could take care of the problem.

book cover for Power Your Way Through Y2K

Power Your Way Thru Y2K

Power Your Way Thru Y2K was considered by one of the major Y2K web sites a "must have" for small and medium-sized businesses. Pam's favorite compliment: "Your book saved our business." The book gave advice on how to find a good consultant as well as the steps the consultant had to take to fix the Y2K bug. As the book will not be relevant again for 7,000 years, Pam has embarked on other endeavors to fill her time.