Pam Powell - Writing

pen tip on parchment

Business Writing

With over 70 clients in her career as an information technology consultant, Pam Wylie Powell arrived at certain views on business and organizations in general. She also has a sense of her role as a consultant. “I have two rules of business for myself. Honesty and appreciation of resources. And I also have two rules of who I want to work for. One – only work for honest people. Two – don’t work for cheapskates. Cheapskates have the money but they just don't appreciate parting with any of it.”

Find what Pam sees as important in business in her Business Writing section.


pen tip on parchment

Social Commentary

Did you always wonder what life looks like from way up in the sky – or above even that, from the stars? Pam has wondered the same thing but has concluded that it’s a matter of perspective. In a very real sense, we here on earth already look out from the stars.

Find what Pam looks at here on earth and, oh, in the rest of the universe, too – in her Social Commentary section.