The KPCW Mountain Money Story

mountians in blue mistBy October 2010, we were in the midst of the Great Recession. The questions I asked at this time were ...

How did we get here?

What can we as individuals do to keep our heads above water? Get a job? Start a business? Invest? Have garage sales?

What should be done to get back on the road to honest government and honest business?
book - Reckless Endangerment

Gretchen Morgenson,
Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Created the Worst Financial Crisis of Our Time

Mountain Money March 19, 2012
Time: 22:43
The Pulitzer Prize-winning financial columnist for the New York Times answers the question, How did we get into a massive recession?
Interviewed by Larry Warren and Pam Wylie.
Audio File


Alan Simpson

Senator Alan Simpson,
Simpson-Bowles Plan

Community Voices December 23, 2010
Time: 28:59
Senator Simpson, with his usual wit and clarity, answers the question, How do we reduce the massive federal deficit racked up by years of overspending and compounded by the Recession? Interviewed by Larry Warren and Linda Gorton.
Audio File


book - What Color is Your Parachute

Richard N. Bolles,
What Color Is Your Parachute?

Mountain Money October 10, 2011
Time: 24:04
When the economy is crazy, how do we make ends meet, get a job, keep control of our life?  Richard Bolles’ ability to come up with timely answers each year places his book on Time Magazine’s list of 100 most influential books of the previous 80 years. Interviewed by Pam Wylie and Larry Warren.
Audio File


book - Rip Off Your Necktie and Dance

Leen Zevenbergen,
Rip Off Your Necktie and Dance!

Mountain Money December 19, 2011
Time: 29:16
 If you can't find a job, how about going into business?
Zevenbergen has written the best book around on how to be an entrepreneur. Best advice? Don’t put the CFO in charge of the company. Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
Audio File


book by Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay,
The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World

Mountain Money December 5, 2011
Time: 20:50
Mackay, one of the world's most exuberant salesmen, discusses How to sell what you make.
Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
Audio File


book - Make Your Own Rules

Wayne Rogers, Make Your Own Rules: A Renegade Guide to Unconventional Success

Mountain Money November 7, 2011
Time: 32:22
Wayne Rogers (Trapper John in TV's M*A*S*H and news contributor on the Fox Business Network) answers How to invest in a crazy economy.
Interviewed by Larry Warren and Pam Wylie.

Audio File

book by Peter Buffet

Peter Buffett,
Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment

Mountain Money May 5, 2011
Time: 11:33
Peter Buffett, son of billionaire Warren Buffett, had to do chores for his allowance, just like most kids. What else could he have in common with the rest of us? Interviewed by Larry Warren and Pam Wylie.
Audio File


book by Jeff Benedict

Bill Child,
the subject of Jeff Benedict’s How to Build a Business Warren Buffett Would Buy

Mountain Money December 13, 2010
Time: 23:54
R.C. Willey gave Bill the keys to the furniture store and then died. Bill had to learn the business – fast!  Interviewed by Larry Warren and Pam Wylie.
Audio File


misty mountains in blue

Tribute to Vaclav Havel, playwright, essayist, philosopher, dissident.

Mountain Money December 19, 2011

Havel brought an end to communist rule in Czechoslovakia, freeing millions of people. How? By living the truth. Havel had the ultimate answer
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Profiles of local businesses on Mountain Money ...

logo for Sedona Callahan

Sedona Callahan Photography

Time: 5:39
Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
"Everyone has seen 'Antiques Roadshow' and everyone wants to find a treasure in one's attic. But what it YOU are the treasure you find?"
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logo for Park City Clothing Company

Doug Hollinger of Park City Clothing

Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
"Doug Hollinger, of Park City Clothing Company, regularly gets his picture in the paper and, the good news is, it's not for robbing a bank!"
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logo for Grub Steak Restaurant

Hans Fuegi of Grub Steak Restaurant

Time: 6:34
Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
Audio File


logo for Whitney Advertising

Robin Whitney of Whitney Advertising

Time: 6:45
Interviewed by Pam Wylie.
Audio File